How to turn followers into clients

Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms worldwide, enjoying growing engagement from both businesses and costumers.

Many entrepreneurs and businesses put way too much time into curating a beautiful Instagram account but don’t usually see paydays as a result of their efforts. Heck, you might love your followers, but you might be stuck trying to get them to take action or buy products


o Do you feel like you’re posting on Instagram hoping that someone will engage with your content?

o Are you posting about your product or service online and you feel like you’re not getting any sales from it?

o You want to wake up daily to DMs from your dream clients asking to work with you.

Or, maybe you’ve seen people making money on Instagram, but you just can’t seem to figure out the platform?

You’re not alone!

So many people feel like this.

People don’t jump on social media to be sold to; they’re there to build relationships.

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Bleranda Musa


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About Us

Hey :)

I'm Bleranda Musa , and I help business owners and entrepreneurs to market their business online to get more clients, monetize their audience, make money and raise their sales in a way that is strategic and fun.

Along with my master education in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Business, I have cultivated my skills by helping small and big businesses shine and grow on Instagram.
Ever since I started teaching Instagram back at 2018, I noticed 2 things

1. People are spending too much time overthinking what to post on their Feed and Stories and then end up posting nothing at all and not make money.

2. Every time I advice a client on what to do, they end up raising their sales and attracting engagement.

Not everyone is made to work 9 to 5, but everyone deserves to live a life they love! I can’t wait to help you dominate your Instagram Account
Bleranda Musa

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Bleranda Musa
Bleranda Musa
Bleranda Musa


If you need help, select the perfect time now

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